Stu Woolley shares the opening scripted scenes from "Double Darkness" and "I Love Lucard."

Stu Woolley is one of my favorite people in the entire universe! Stu and I first began communicating in 2010, when I reached out to him after I wrote the Dracula: The Series sequel and asked him for his opinion. What I discovered in Stu Woolley was a goldmine of information and creativity...and a dear friend. Since our first email exchange, we have had many, many discussions about the plausible idea of a reboot. The market is rich with vampire lore and legend, and what is lacking in this market is a series geared to the 'tweens, as Dracula: The Series had been. Stu's insightful ideas and humble approach have helped fuel my own creativity and steel my reserve for the sequel/reboot teleplay to land in the proper hands: those of the show runners of the original series, of whom Stu always speaks highly.

Stu was kind enough to share the full Dracula: The Series scripts of his two episodes with me. He explained how his original works differed somewhat from the final production, but of course, script changes are quite common. He believes the changes made dramatically enhanced the episodes.

Below are the opening tag scenes for "Double Darkness" and "I Love Lucard." Both episodes are favorites of mine, and I'm delighted he has sent them to me for me to share the opening scenes with you. We hope you enjoy!

Carol M. Ford

August 15, 2014